
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Annual Magazine-2011/12

UBSSA is a registered student body association of UBS, Pune. The smooth functioning of the association is made possible by various committees. The literary debate and publication committee is one of these committees that seek to promote the literary aptitude and talents of the UBS community through various programs conducted throughout the year. Present year we started the LD&P blog (, which seeks to promote the writing skills and expressions of the students and the community at large.

In addition one major task of the community is to bring out ANNUAL MAGAZINE of the UBSSA. This magazine is meant to go beyond the spectrum of the students’ body to wider circulation among various Churches, Mission agencies, Theological institutions and affiliated Offices. Hence the publication committee requests for support from you in the form of Advertisement, Information, Greetings, Best compliments, etc. as this would be very encouraging help for the UBSSA in our pursue.

Advertisement tariff for the Magazine
Back side full cover (Color) – 12,000
Inside Back full cover (Color) – 10,000
Inside Front full cover (Color) – 10,000
One Full page (Color) – 6,000
One full page (B&W) – 3,500
Half page (B&W) – 2,500
Page sponsoring - 500 (your name/family name will print on the page)

Please send information in CD, by post/courier/email etc., kindly pay in Cash/MO/DD drawn in favour of UBSSA LD&P Committee, payable at Pune.

Thank you,
In His Service

Rev. Dr. Paulson Pulikkottil (Adviser)
Shalu T Mthew (Chair-person)
Priyanka Bagh (Secretary)

For contact
Mobile: Shalu T Mathew 09579155139
Priyanka Bagh 09527680754
Ryngksai Banker 09762792857

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Gym Inaugural Programme

As we all know Seminarians/Theologians need their required exercises, so the UBSSA has now started a gym for both students and faculty. The gym has been functioning since the first week of November.

The Principal was present to inaugurate the gym facility along with other faculty, UBSSA officials and other students.

The following photos are provided by Jimmy:

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

UBSSA proudly announces the release of the Music album "Corem Deo," an endeavor aimed to support the students.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Days of Challange - Photo Updates

Photos provided by Jimmy

Related post: Days of Challenge, 2011

Unchanging Word in a Changing World - Mission Conference 2011

Mission conference - 2011 is over and we are again back to our schedules with different projects, assignments and dissertations. Everyone asks to the final years that what are they going to do after the seminary? Well! May this question remind us the call and the commitment!

“Mission” has turned into a composite word in Christian circle that it cannot be identified without discerning the context. If that is the case, does Christian Mission alter its value in a changing world? Over the years, we have been exposed with different modes and practices of Christian Mission. The fact even reminds us that we have somewhere diluted the integrity of the Mission, and ended up with an inclusive stand. I assume that many of us may not agree with me here. However, this was our main concern, to re-emphasize the Mission in the Mission Conference-2011.

With this expectation and prayer, Rev. P. M. Thomas from Himalayan Evangelical Mission was invited to speak to us in the conference, which was scheduled on 19th, 20th and 21st of October, 2011.
Of course, there was much to be learnt from his experiences than his theories. The chorus that he taught us during the conference, even chants unto our ears now.

When I believe and you believe, and we together pray,
The Holy Spirit will come down, and India shall be saved.
India shall be saved-3

Rev. Thomas threw some light on some of the statistics. He referred to Dr. Patrick Johnstone (2001); the first Protestant church in South Korea was planted on 1884. Today, there are 31.67% Christians, and they have sent 12,000 missionaries to 56 foreign countries. Indonesia was evangelized by Dutch Protestants in 1500s. Today, there are 16% of Christians in the country. They have sent 3,000 missionaries to 22 foreign countries.  USA received gospel around 400 years back with the settlers. Today 84.5% are Christians; 60,200 missionaries are working in 220 countries of the world. Australia received gospel around 400 years back with the coming of Europeans. Today 67.5% are Christians; 4,388 missionaries are working in 134 countries.  Gospel came with European explorers during the 17th century in New Zealand. Today, 61.7% are Christians. 1,836 missionaries are serving in 114 countries. Christianity came in Brazil with European explorers in 1500. Today, 91.4% Christians 4,754 missionaries in 100 countries. Nestorians came in 635 AD. The main growth of Christianity in China came in the last 100 years of persecution, first by the boxer rebellion and then through the Maoist persecution. In these 100 years, church grew to an estimated 100 million. Church in China now comprises 9% of the population. Some 28,000 people come to Christ and are baptized every day through the ministry of mostly teenagers.

Now what about India and its surrounding nations?

Christian churches have grown much faster in most of the other countries of the world except in India. In spite of the fact Christianity came to India in the first century itself, we are still 2.4% according to the government statistics and still ruled by non-Christians and atheists. However, many may wonder whether statistics is the key point to be considered in the Mission! This is a debatable issue in the mission arena. Nevertheless The Great Commandment and Great Commission cannot be questioned. If Mission doesn’t focus on the Crucified Christ, then what would be the destiny of the Mission? Well! Let the World consider us ‘foolish,’ just because we focus on the Crucified Christ! Rev. P.M. pointed some of the hurdles of Christian mission that is obstructing the Mission of God in India.

  1. We teach others but we do not want to learn: Very few of us would like to say with Isaiah, “Here am I, Lord! Send me.” Most of us would be happy to escape from such a situation and say, “Here am I, Lord! Send my brother.”
  2. Missionary work has become another business: Register a mission, a magazine, and start. In many missions, right from the central office to the sub offices, from the coordinators to the promotional workers and their fund raisers, they have no problem in saying, they work on commission.
  3. Missions have become excursions and picnics: We have now coined some new words in missions, short term missionaries, part time missionaries, prayer walk etc. There are no such words in the Bible.  Very few want to stay back in the mission field. We have got a saying in our place, ‘you cannot catch fish without getting wet’.

Well! What would be the response from the church of God in order to understand the Mission of God! If George Muller, being an expert thief, cheater and liar at the very young age and was imprisoned at sixteen but encountered to God one day and could become a pastor at in Tiegnmouth; if Charles Spurgeon at the age of eighteen could give his life to God; if John Bunyan, in spite of losing his mother and a sister in a month, could love gospel and write a book “Pilgrim’s Progress” in 1675; if Tom Skinner who was a gang leader and killer, could repent and become the America’s leading black Evangelist; if Fanny Crosby, who was blind as an infant, could write a pile of hymns for the glory of God and service for the church; if Mary Slessor, who was abused by her own father, could leave everything and, go to Africa as a missionary; if Hudson Taylor, who went to China and struggled for his life and, give his entire life for Chinese people, then what is stopping us to think about the MISSION? Friends! If we hesitate to speak about the Crucified Christ, then what kind of mission would we want to share? God needs jealous seekers and jealous goers!

Once again, I want to affirm our thoughts that all our learning here in the seminary is to construct our foundation, equip our methods, and plan our strategies on Christ alone. Therefore, Mission in India would be possible only when we, the church can understand others, irrespective of denominations, castes, colours, and status.

- Chairperson, Mission Conference Committee
Janak B.C.

Photos below by Reuben:

Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Question mark?

Last week, I got an opportunity to watch a movie “To Save a Life,” which is a 2010 Christian drama film directed by Brian Baugh. This led me to jot down a few thoughts.
The WEEK magazine had done a wide range of research on how Indian bright minds are being drowned towards the Dark side! It was shocking to me to read this news that how a bright and an educated person can end up his/her life in nowhere. This seems to be a mystery for many of us, but we always lack in understanding the victims and their struggles.  We are living in the age where no one even bothers about others’ struggles. In fact this has become the civilization of the X-generation. You mind your business and I will mind mine!
Let me quote the e-mail that Nitish Kumar Reddy writes his last words to his father. The final-year M. Tech student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras hanged himself from a ceiling fan in his hostel room in last month. 
Dad, sorry I couldn’t be a better son of you... all you asked was a betterment of my career and future and I couldn’t give it to you... I have failed you dad and I am so sorry about it...
Mom, sorry, I really love you more... I was weak... I thought I could become strong but failed... The fault is my own...

This is one of the news that is happening in Indian brain centres at the moment. The Week records that the total number of students in premier institutes who killed themselves since 2008 is 28. Who is bothered about this in this competent world? Who will bridge the gap then? We all are in process to fulfil the exceptions of others, sometime even ours as well, no matter what sacrifices have to be made! In midst of the hustle and bustle of this e-age, how we Christian would respond to the problems?

Now, a fresh question comes to us. How are you going to deal with our societies that we are going to be involved?

In the movie, Raja ended his life with a pistol, just because that he didn’t want to continue this life alone. He thought that the world doesn’t like him or in other words, he did not find the worth of his survival. You and I may conclude, saying that how are we responsible to someone’s suicide?  That’s what Jake even confesses in the movie. The movie was alarming to me! Perhaps to (you)! I do not want to give an absolute statement that we should (watch the movie)! Nevertheless, I just leave onto you to explore more...

If not, what’s going to be the use of our degrees from the Seminary? Is it just for ME and MY survival?  Think for a while!! Galatians 6:2 was correct when Paul says that “Bear one another’s burden...” Am I supposed to mind the burden of the one, whom I know and I like? I know that it’s human phenomena! But I think we should break the boundary of relationship (probably, cross the boundary) here and go little further. Who knows that your own friend, who is always with you, might be going through a time of loneliness and depression? Who knows that God has appointed you to be a messenger to him, a person like Raja (In fact, It was too late for Jake)!

At last, I recommend you all to watch the movie at least once! Have a nice day! 

-  Janak BC

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Download the Rules and Regulations for the debate competition

The house fathers or mothers are to instruct the debaters to download the rules and regulations for the debate competition.
Two formats are available:

All the best.

NB: Adapted from previous rules of the LDnP Committee for debate competition, from and from