
Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Enjoying Freedom within the boundary

We are celebrating our 64th Independence Day on 15th of this month. We remember with great gratitude, the freedom fighters they committed their valuable life for the independence of our great nation. Many even laid down their lives for the freedom. We who are living in a country, we are claiming that we are free, should ask ourselves the question - “Are we really free?” If we evaluate the situation of increasing terrorist threats and attacks, religious fundamentalism, poverty, corruption, conflicts in the name of language, religion, caste and color, etc. In the light of these situations how is it possible to call ourselves as free?

In the Christian context, freedom is a very much misunderstood word. John 8:36 saying “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed”, here John talking about the freedom from the bondage of sin. This freedom does not mean- freedom to do anything and everything. Freedom without boundaries is not freedom at all. So we can define freedom means ‘freedom to obey the rule and to do the responsibilities’. Even in our family, religious, or social life we can enjoy the freedom with in this boundaries.

By Shalu T. Mathew, (BD IV)
LD&P, 2011-2012

1 comment:

  1. Wah! appreciate your thought. but I wonder how it is applicable into our context! I have to look through the Hermeneutics of suspicion!!

